Seeking Jesus (Being Like the Sinful Woman Part 2)
This is the second part of my blog series on Being like the Sinful Woman which was originally published during Lent 2019. I introduced the story of the sinful woman from Luke 7 in Part 1. Please start there if you have not read it already.
The sinful woman from Luke 7 possessed seven attributes that are indispensible when coming to Jesus. The first of those attributes is a will to seek Him. As A.W. Tozer wrote, "I believe that God wants us to long for Him with the longing that will become lovesickness, that will become a wound to our spirits, to keep us always moving toward Him, always finding and always seeking, always having and always desiring." (Man the Dwelling Place of God, p. 117).
The sinful woman sought Christ out. He did not go to her. She went to Him. She sought Him and she found Him. Jesus Himself tells us to "keep seeking and you will find," (Matt 7:7) and that "[e]veryone who seeks finds." (Matt. 7:8). God will never hide from those who are truly seeking Him. It is so important that we seek out God that Jesus commanded we "Seek the Kingdom of God above all." (Luke 12:31).
The sinful woman was tired and broken from her sins. Sins take a heavy toll. Giving myself to this world exhausts me. It demands so much. It demands my very soul. Yet the world gives nothing in return to help lift the burdens it places upon me. The sinful woman felt those burdens. She was an untouchable sinner, despised by anyone who considered themselves righteous, and living a detestable life of sin that beat her down. She wanted a way out of that life. She sought freedom from her sins, a chance to be happy and a chance to rest. Jesus offered that to her. He called to her: "Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly of heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light." (Matt. 11:28-30).
The woman was extremely sinful. Perhaps even as sinful as I am. Jesus offered to forgive her sins: wash them away by His own blood and welcome her into His rest. (Heb. 4:9-11). She sought Him, found Him, entered into His holy presence, knelt down and kissed His feet. Then she was finally free from the bondage to sin and found the rest of her Lord.
To find the Lord I, too must seek Him, just as the sinful woman did. If I seek Him I shall find Him. (Matt 7:8). Then I may enter into His rest. But seeking Jesus is not a one time event. I must be always seeking Him and always finding Him. Then, like the sinful woman, I may one day enter into His holy presence where I will get to worship Him forever!
Today's prayer:
Holy Lord, please fill my heart with a lovesick longing for You; an unquenchable yearning that causes me to be always seeking You. And, though I am unworthy, please allow me to find You, so that I may enter Your rest and worship forever in Your holy presence.